Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

The solar plexus chakra

Location: It is said to control everything connected to metabolism, digestion, and the stomach from the navel to approximately the ribs.

What it is: The third chakra, also known as Manipura, which means “lustrous jewel” in Sanskrit, is thought to be your source of personal power and your self-esteem. The “activity and balance chakra that focuses on individual willpower, personal power, and dedication,” as Olivia puts it, is another way to put it. (Learn more about your “third eye,” which is actually the sixth chakra, in a moment.)

You can struggle with decision-making, poor self-esteem, and challenges with rage or control. Olivia points out that it’s not only about feeling horrible about yourself; it may also cause you to be apathetic, put off tasks, or appear vulnerable. Additionally, you can get some sort of stomachache, such as gas or digestive problems. (Ugh.)

Kavanagh claims that when the solar plexus chakra is obstructed, we have trouble being our highest, most true selves and dealing with self-doubt. It’s not much better on the other side, though: “Signs of an overactive solar plexus include a rampant ego—being power hungry and arrogant, culminating in manic behavior and hyperactive energy,” she explains.

Color: Yellow

Element associated with it: Fire

Crystals associated with it: Citrine, pyrite, amber

Yoga pose that activates it: Boat pose, twists, warrior III

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