What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Barefoot

What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Barefoot


The most obvious advantage of going barefoot is because, in principle, doing so more nearly replicates our gait, or “normal” walking pattern.

However, there are several more benefits:

  • greater control over the position of your foot as it contacts the ground; improvements to balance, proprioception, and body awareness that may reduce pain
  • improving foot mechanics may improve hip, knee, and core mechanics while maintaining a healthy range of motion in your foot and ankle joints and sufficient strength and stability in your muscles and ligaments.
  • relief from bunions, hammertoes, and other foot abnormalities caused by ill-fitting shoes.
  • improved leg muscles that support the lower back area


Our relationship with nature, the earth, and the universe is essential, but due to the rapid development of technology and our current fast-paced lifestyles, many of us have lost touch with this relationship.

What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Barefoot

Humans have always been rooted to the earth, having walked, sat, and slept there, worked the soil with their bare hands, and spent a lot of time in it. However, today, we have been increasingly separated from nature by our contemporary lifestyle. Conversely, insulating rubber and plastics have taken the place of our predecessors’ conductive leather-soled footwear. We live in homes and beds that are elevated. The introduction of plastics, synthetic textiles, asphalt, tar, carpets, and vinyl all disrupt this natural link.

In addition, we are regularly bombarded with too much free radical damage to our tissues and cells via domestic appliances, mobile phones, wi-fi, microwaves, and cell towers, which adds to the already existing problem. These extra free radicals are pushed down by the energy of the Earth, allowing your body to recover and rebuild naturally as it should. Therefore, it is essential that we re-connect with this natural energy every day to offset the negative impacts of our contemporary lifestyle if we want to maintain good health.

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Earthing is not a miracle cure or this week’s celebrity trend; it has nothing to do with supplements, pills, lengthy clinic visits, expensive treatments, or other similar things. For individuals of all ages, young and old, earthing is secure and natural, but it is not medication nor a replacement for medical care.


A little child once went shoe shopping with his mother. He had been walking around barefoot all summer, but now that school was starting it was time to acquire “proper shoes.” Even though she was aware that they were substantially too large, every pair the mother attempted was declared “too little” by the boy. The youngster said, “I can’t wriggle my toes!” when she asked him what felt tight. He anticipated the shoe’s elasticity to be similar to what he experienced while running through the grass.

What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Barefoot
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