Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions

Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions

Arm Movements and Positions

Along with gestures, your hands’ movements and positions might convey information that you may not have meant to.

In a meeting, for instance, supporting your head on your hand while placing one elbow on a table shows that you are paying attention and concentrating on what is being spoken.

It can be interpreted as a sign of boredom if you repeatedly conduct the same action with both hands. During a conversation, holding your hands behind your back can be interpreted as a sign of boredom or hostility. On the other hand, crossing your arms in front of you conveys a defensive or watchful attitude.

Standing with your arms at your hips might be interpreted as being confident and assertive. It may also be seen in some instances as an aggressive trait.

Other subliminal cues include opening up the arms widely in an effort to appear bigger or more in control, while keeping the arms close to the body in an attempt to reduce oneself or avoid attention.

Pay attention to some of the following messages that the arms may be sending when assessing body language:

  • Crossed arms may be a sign of defensiveness, self-preservation, or closed-offness.
  • Standing with the hands on the hips can either show that a person is prepared and in control or it could be interpreted as hostility.
  • A person who clasps their hands behind their back may be experiencing boredom, anxiety, or even anger.
  • Fingers tapping quickly or fidgeting suggest boredom, impatience, or frustration.
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