Perfectionism – 12 Dangerous Downsides

Perfectionism – 12 Dangerous Downsides

9. Difficulty in Letting Go

Perfectionists struggle to let go. letting go of control over their work, their errors, and their faults.

Because of this, if you’re a perfectionist, you’ve likely gone through the following:

  • You are averse to delegation because you are concerned that others will botch your task.
  • You are unable to stop thinking about your job since doing so makes you terrified that everything will fall apart.
  • Even after delegating, you continue to micromanage and worry about what can happen, even though your staff is functioning properly.
  • You take a lot of time fixing insignificant errors that don’t matter.
  • You continue to reflect on ‘failures’ from the past, notwithstanding their passage of time.

This inability to let go makes you feel as though you are carrying the entire world on your shoulders as your duties increase. In the end, despite having no justification for feeling this way, you feel incredibly burdened by everything.

Perfectionism – 12 Dangerous Downsides

10. Compromises in Relationships

Relationships can be seriously harmed by perfectionism.

Why? If you’re a perfectionist, your work’s excellence frequently takes precedence over everything, even relationships. Less time spent with your loved ones implies less quality time. When times are rough, you would rather put all of your effort into perfecting your work, putting your relationships on hold.

When things are difficult at work or in their personal relationships, some perfectionists snap at those close to them.

When a perfectionist’s work doesn’t go well, which, let’s face it, virtually always happens because of their impossibly high standards, their friends and family suffer because they link themselves so personally with their performance.

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Some perfectionists may even impose their high expectations on those they love, expecting their spouse or family member to hold themselves to the same high standards. An illustration would be a mother who constantly demands that her child receive 100 out of 100 on tests, or a wife or husband who accuses their partner of not carrying out household duties in the manner that is ideal in their eyes.

It is obvious that such pressure simply strains your relationships. In the end, perfectionism not only makes you feel empty but also drains your relationships and alienates your loved ones.

Perfectionism – 12 Dangerous Downsides

11. Stagnation (Having Stopped With No Changes)

Stagnation is one of the ironic costs of perfectionism.

Perfectionists frequently adhere to a particular method of operation that they believe to be the greatest. They are resistant to accept advice from others because they believe they are infallible. This prevents individuals from having the chance to experience new things and learn from them, which leads to stagnation.

Perfectionism – 12 Dangerous Downsides

12. Short Sightedness

Typically, perfectionists are so preoccupied with the minute details that they fail to see the wider picture. They discover that they are more focused on the outcome than the process.

For instance, if you are a manager, you can be more focused on achieving your goals than on helping your staff members reach their full potential. Your potential is constrained by shortsightedness, which keeps you from being a visionary leader.

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