How To Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Need

7. Reflect on your possessions

How To Stop Buying Stuff You Don't Need

We have a lot of stuff in our houses that we already own, even if we rarely consider it. If you think about it, you might be less inclined to make a purchase.

Write a list of all the stuff you’re grateful to have before making a surprise buy the next time you feel like it.

Consider how much you loved utilizing these times the last time you utilized them. Hopefully after you’ve done that, you won’t want to buy new things as frequently.

8. You don’t have room for it

Your buddy gives you $20 for the old desk that belonged to her grandma. The desk is well-built, and you are confident that it is worth much more than $20. The issue is that you don’t have space in your home for it. You decide to buy the desk and put it in the garage since you will eventually have the space.

There’s a good chance the desk will still remain in storage in ten years. Your time and effort in transporting and storing that desk will have cost much more than $20. That desk is now doing nothing more than gathering dust as it sits idle.

Start considering where you will store the item in your home before making a purchase. Don’t purchase anything if you don’t have place for it.

9. Institute a 24-hour hold policy

You know the sensation you get in the middle of binge-watching your favorite TV show? It would be too easy to jump directly into the following episode.

But you note how soon that craving passes if you can manage to pull yourself away from the screen. You quickly become completely absorbed in another job within a number of hours.

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The next time you are faced with intense buying temptation, think back to that sensation. You might be amazed at how quickly the desire fades away if you can force yourself to resist the want to buy when it arises.

putting off purchasing anything and waiting 24 hours before giving in. This helps you from making a hasty, impulsive decision and gives you time to consider if you actually need or desire it.

By implementing a 24-hour hold period on purchases, a lot of what appears to be a necessity at the time is likely to go as well. The important thing is to wait to make the purchase until you’ve got plenty time and space to do so.

10. Set a goal and stick to it!

How To Stop Buying Stuff You Don't Need

Setting oneself a goal is the crucial stage in the process. What’s the underlying motivation behind your desire to quit purchasing things you don’t need if you’re reading this post?

Is it so you can put money aside to purchase a house? Is it because you wish to stop using debit and credit cards? Maybe you want to put money away for a trip to a tropical location.

Set a goal for whatever it is, make a note of it, and keep it at the front of your mind. You’ll be much more likely to remain with your objective if you keep it in mind during the process, and it may even inspire you to persevere through difficult times.

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