An Inspirational Story About What Is Important In Life

An Inspirational Story About What Is Important In Life

The other important things, such as your work, home, and vehicle, are the stones. The rest, the little things, are represented by the sand.
He said, “There is no place for the pebbles or the golf balls if you put the sand in the jar first. The same is true in life. You won’t ever have time for the things that are essential to you if you focus all of your time and energy on the little things.
Pay close attention to the factors that are essential to your happiness. Play with your kids, schedule medical exams, go out to supper with your partner, and play another 18 holes. The home has to be cleaned, and the leaky faucet can always be fixed. Prioritize the golf balls, which are the important items, first. Decide what matters most since everything else is merely sand.
A student put up her hand and asked what the beer symbolized.
Professor grinned. “I’m happy you inquired. It just goes to show you that there’s always room for a few drinks with a friend, no matter how full your life may seem to be.

An Inspirational Story About What Is Important In Life
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