6 Reasons Why “Forgive And Forget” Is Not Always The Best Thing To Do

6 Reasons Why "Forgive And Forget" Is Not Always The Best Thing To Do

4. They feel helpless as a result.

Years may pass before someone is able to comprehend the trauma they have experienced. They are only now starting to experience the rage and grief that they should have felt long ago after being able to comprehend what has transpired.

Someone is only now starting to recover if they have recently ceased blaming themselves for the wrongs that others have done to them.

To tell them to forgive would be to rob them of their sense of reality. Additionally, it prevents them from fully recovering.

5. It is harsh.

It is not helpful to advise a victim that their only option is to “forgive and forget.” They are being told that if they don’t follow your instructions, they are unkind, obstinate, or frigid.

As a result, you are criticizing their recovery process rather than offering them support and healing.

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