170 Merry Christmas Wishes – Choose How To Greet Your Loved Ones

170 Merry Christmas Wishes – Choose How To Greet Your Loved Ones

Merry Christmas Wishes Text Messages

You may send brief text messages wishing friends and family a Merry Christmas over the Christmas season.

1. Merry Christmas! Tell [name of family members] to have a wonderful holiday!

2. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season. Lots of love.

3. Happy Holidays! Hope your Christmas isn’t a chore. Enjoy some relaxation time!

4. Wishing you a Happy Christmas with your loved ones.

5. We may not be together for Christmas, but I’m with you in spirit. Merry Christmas, I miss you.

6. Happy Holidays and see you in the new year!

7. Merry Christmas! Let’s find some time to meet for a drink before the holidays end.

8. Thinking of you this winter season, hope you have a wonderful holiday.

9. Happy Holiday, from our family to yours.

10. Wishing you happiness and good health this Christmastime.

11. A little more sparkle, a little less stress. This Christmas, I wish you the very best.

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