13 Common Cat Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

1. All Curled Up in a Furry Ball

13 Common Cat Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

This position, commonly known as the “crescent,” is one among the more typical ones for cats. One explanation for this is that it enables your cat to maximize body heat for additional warmth. The essential organs of your furry companion are also protected as they sleep in this position.

Wild cats frequently sleep in this position because it is part of their innate instinct to protect themselves. The name of this position comes from the fact that cats in this position frequently curl their backs into the shape of a crescent.

In addition, your cat might select this position when they are feeling a little uneasy. It makes people feel safer.

2. In a Cardboard Box

13 Common Cat Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

Your cat enjoys sleeping in cardboard boxes just as much as your children do. They provide your cat with defense against the elements and adversaries. It’s another place to sleep that reminds them of their untamed forefathers.

Cats sleep in boxes or other enclosed spaces to avoid being seen by potential predators or foes who might want to engage them in combat. If your cat lives indoors, their need to sleep in a box may be a sign that they are running away from something or someone inside. It could be a brand-new pet or an old foe, but it could also be someone who keeps petting or playing with your cat.

3. Belly Up

13 Common Cat Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

Since I can’t help but pat that belly and my cat attacks when I do, I like to refer to this pose as the “belly trap.” It’s difficult to resist this stance because it’s so cute. Just now, your cat is completely exposed while he catches some zzz’s.

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It’s an indication that the two of you get along well when your cat sleeps on its belly. It shows your cat truly trusts you and your house because it is in such a vulnerable position.

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